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The Good Life Chronicles

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Shot at 100nl graph...
  WaterFlow, Mar 23 2011

100nl 6max... Would like to discuss some poker with players at that limit and / or MTT players (I play primarily MTT's).

Also shout out to Midian and TalentedTom. I feel I've really improved as a player from just reading their advice in the hands section.

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Need some advice! Music and sexy bitches inside.
  WaterFlow, Mar 10 2011

I'm looking for a laptop. I don't do to much on it besides watching tv shows / movies online, poker and normal internet browsing.

I want to spend around $400-$650. Any suggestions?

Here's a couple good hip hop songs:

J.Cole -- Losing my Balance

Fashawn -- Boy meets world

Kid Cudi -- The Prayer

And some sexy females:

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  WaterFlow, May 30 2010

Anyone here play at Foxwoods regularly? I play 1/2nl and 2/5nl there fairly often and will be playing the memorial day tournaments (one of my friends offered to stake me). Was just wondering who else was gonna be there. I know a ton of people there and we could smoke / chill / discuss poker. Lemme know!

Here's Kanye's first single off his new album. I don't think it's finished cuz he sounds like a prepubescent teen to me. What do you think?

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